The population of the USA “likes” something on Facebook four million times every minute. If that seems like a staggering amount of engagement, then it
Powering wireless networks: Challenges and solutions (Reader Forum)
Wireless consumers are demanding more bandwidth, and wireless network operators must increase the density of their networks in order to deliver it. Where one macro
Using Data Science to Optimize the Wireless Experience and Minimize WLAN Costs The explosive growth of smart mobile devices, applications, and Internet of Things (IoT) has
Delivering real-time, dynamic service assurance in a hybrid NFV environment (Reader Forum)
As communications service providers (CSPs) continue to transition their networks to a virtualized environment, for the next several years, they’ll be operating their legacy physical
According to Gartner, the Internet of Things (IoT) will grow to 26 billion interconnected devices by 2020. This means plenty of unchartered territory for a mobile carrier industry
It happens to everyone — despite your best efforts, your phone falls and the screen shatters. Or the camera lens cracks. Whatever the damage, though,
One of the biggest challenges that operators face today is how to cost-effectively deliver high-capacity 4G coverage in densely populated indoor areas. In locations such
The first 5G networks may be commercially ready by the end of this year. Mobile subscribers are within sniffing distance of lightning-fast 5G, a truly
Rollback of net neutrality rules means innovation, focused investment (Reader Forum)
It’s a reality. Regulations on internet service providers, known as net neutrality rules, began to roll back April 23, although the controversial action by the
The Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) business model first emerged in Japan in 1997. Since then, the global MVNO subscriber base has steadily grown and
With IoT and Smart City developments gathering pace, 5G mobile networks are expected to take on an unprecedented role in this, connecting enterprises, enabling new
Digital Transformation was the theme song of this year’s Mobile World Congress. Good news: every telecom company now has a “Go Digital” strategy. The challenge?
The future of mobile networks — but not as we know them (Reader Forum)
The world’s first, entirely cashier-less store in Seattle opened recently. AmazonGo uses “intelligent” cameras and a powerful set of algorithms to “think”. It is a
2018 wireless test trends (Reader Forum)
As we enter the early stages of the “5G era,” new technologies are deploying to cover use cases around Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMMB), Ultra-Reliable Low
Spoiler alert: 5G technologies like massive MIMO, C-RAN and more are going to lead the discussion at MWC 2018 The telecom industry is gearing up for