Qualcomm has added the faster, LTE-based Snapdragon 632, 439 and 429 to its mobile platforms. Qualcomm has added to its Snapdragon 600 and 400 tiers with
AI + Edge Computing Essential in the 5G Era
Strategy Analytics_AI and Edge Computing Essential in the 5G Era The post AI + Edge Computing Essential in the 5G Era appeared first on RCR Wireless
5G as a platform for innovation
Diverse requirements of 5G services command co-creation beyond telecoms Massive support for the internet of things is a major aspect of 5G. And we’re not talking
Tapping AI to design and deploy 5G
Nokia eyeing 2019 for launch of AI-powered 5G Digital Design tool LONDON—5G is many things, chief among them complex and expensive to deploy. As operators evolve
As a wireless analyst, I follow the changing world of products, services and innovation. As this industry continues to change, so do jobs. Listen to
Kagan: I warned you about Alexa, Home, HomePod AI privacy risk
Today, Amazon is embarrassed and red-faced now that their Alexa AI smart speaker has been caught red-handed recording a private conversation, putting it into a
Everybody loves the ride to success Apple has seen over the last decade. The next question is, will their new HomePod be a success or
Report: Consumers want zero-touch customer experience from operators
Ericsson says zero-touch is now a customer expectation U.S. smartphone user Jennifer, 29, summed up during an Ericsson-led focus group a complaint many of us likely
Huawei CEO reportedly downplays importance of 5G
Analyst: 5G is one part of network transformation At an event for analysts in Shenzhen, China, Huawei CEO Eric Xu reportedly downplayed the transformation value fo
Oracle EVP: ‘You have to go to the cloud’
For service providers and enterprises, cloud adoption drives innovation NEW YORK–Oracle Executive Vice President Bob Weiler stressed to attendees of the Oracle Industry Connect event that
Oracle focused on AI, machine learning
Oracle AI, machine learning solutions mark move toward automation The long view on telecommunications networking is automation of management and operational processes. This is highlighted with
Taking AI to the edge
Putting AI on devices moves processing to the very edge of the network As 5G continues to develop in support of new latency-sensitive use cases, there’s
If Apple was first to AI with Siri, why then are they trailing today? We all know artificial intelligence is the future. We all know
Today’s wireless networks are hugely complex already, and will acquire new layers of sophistication as the industry launches 5G services. Traditional rule-based, deterministic algorithms no