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Categories 5G, Aetha, CBRS, DSIT, enterprise, Federated Wireless, industry 4.0, n77, neutral host, Ofcom, private 5G, private networks, Queen Mary University, Telet, UK
Moves in the UK to open tranches of the 1.8 GHz, 3.8-4.2 GHz, and upper 6 GHz bands for dynamic spectrum assignment (DSA) in the UK, akin to the popular CBRS scheme at 3.55-3.7 GHz in the US, busy with fixed-wireless access (FWA), private enterprise 4G/5G, and neutral-host network initiatives, is gathering some pace, it […]
Categories 5G, Aetha, CBRS, DSIT, enterprise, Federated Wireless, industry 4.0, n77, neutral host, Ofcom, private 5G, private networks, Queen Mary University, Telet, UK