Modus is a leading Telecom Services company operating in the Western U.S., specializing in network deployment, construction, and maintenance. After being awarded key contracts off the back of successful execution, Modus soon found itself outgrowing the Excel and Google spreadsheets that they had previously relied on. Project data started to fragment; generating reports became arduous and time-consuming, and visibility into progress waned.

“We needed a solution that would act as a centralized, real-time repository — one consistent and single source of truth. A robust project management tool accessible by all internal parties became imperative to scaling the business.” -Rowena Okialda, Director of Development, Modus LLC

Today, Modus is one of Sitetracker’s most valued partners and advanced users, leveraging the platform to manage the end-to-end phases of projects and assets: plan, build, maintain, and grow.

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